"Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months."
Severine Arend
I am no expert whatsoever when it comes to fashion. I wear what makes me feel good. Go with the flow is my motto.
-Oscar Wilde

twenty-something creature living in San Francisco, CA.
I am no expert whatsoever when it comes to fashion. I wear what makes me feel good. Go with the flow is my motto.
I enjoy thrift shopping and estate sale hunting, travelling, learning new languages, discovering new restaurants and cafes, creating other worlds in photoshop, drinking massive amounts of tea, and watching horror/sci-fi flicks.
I started this blog to document my evolving fashion taste, inspire myself by perusing the many wonderful blogs out there and to meet new people/fellow bloggers.
I shoot myself regularly with a Canon 5D mark II and a kit lens, with a teeny weenie remote. I like using Alien Bee flash units too.
Do you have any questions or comments ?
Would you like to advertise on this blog ?
Shoot me a mail at severinearend[at]yahoo.com