Thursday, December 29, 2011

C'est La Vie

In the land of Metz, France, Taxi cars are either Mercedes Benz or Jaguar,the bakeries serve fresh pastries every day to make you stare into their window with longing and desire in your foreign eyes, the Lafayette department store titillates and evokes materialistic temptation deep inside your stylish soul and the picturesque alleyways beckon you to explore some more.

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This afternoon a quick 25/30 minute car ride to Metz, located in France (see google map screen-shot), had me squirreling around the city looking for a new pair of shoes (who could've guessed), allowed me to taste some french cuisine and to enjoy the city of Metz's lovely small boutiques as I strolled the winding stone paved pedestrian walkway.

A few snapshots from today's excursion...

A French license plate

As Im snapping away, I read this. If my rusty French allows me to understand, I believe some person has lost his desire to be photographed, and would like to retrieve this desire, so if you find it, then contact him. Someone wrote next to it in blue ballpoint pen, "but how?" as the fellow/gal unfortunately did not leave a forwarding address.

My incessant need for socks has metamorphosized itself into a store. Yes. A store just for socks and tights. I no longer need to admit myself into a I-need-a-million-pairs-of-knee-highs-for-no-apparent-reason-addiction or the socks anonymous group,  because Metz and I just "get" each other.

Newfound love for the Danish jewelry brand Pandora, with its adorable charm bracelets, earrings, necklaces, rings galore.

FNAC is the French equivalent to a Virgin megastore with books, CD's, DVD's, electronic gadgets and knick knacks

A book titled "The old man who didn't want to celebrate his birthday".

No matter how far you travel, "The Walking Dead" (ya'know that unknown zombie show on AMC) will surely already be there holding out an umbrella for you.

My infatuation with pretzels goes as far as me making a physical effort to take a picture of some hanging in a bakery window. Yep. So tastey, you'd most likely eat your fingers off too.


coat, Mom's; sweater, second hand; leggings, Aritzia; Hat, H&M; heels, Jeffrey Campbell Lana; rings, Ebay; necklace, Thomas Sabo, gifted; assorted bracelets, gifte


  1. perfect outfit girl :) i hope you enjoy(ed) paris <3

  2. She's not in Paris but in Metz lol, hope you enjoyed, I visited Metz a long time before, i liked this city :)
    LOVE this coat

    xoxo, Céline

  3. Pretzels and socks! Sounds like a good day. I love the pairing of your Lanas and those burgundy socks together! You must have quite a large collections of JCs going! I'm mildly jealous...

  4. pandora is great. i have few rings from them.

    have a nice new year! you look great as always :)

  5. i was thinking about buying a pair of lanas myself, but im hesitant because im worried that they may not be comfortable. i, too, live in san francisco and i like to have comfortable shoes since i do a lot of walking! can you tell me if they are easy to walk in and if they are comfortable?

  6. Metz looks stunning! So does your coat xx

  7. gahh! you rock. so much. your trip sounds super amazing, I am jealous.. and that sock store looks like a place I could shop in all day..
    Your outfit is amazing. you really have such great style.. I love the leggings and red socks with your lanas. it just ahh you amaze me all the time.. all of your outfits are just so nice. <3 <3


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, your comments are most appreciated. xo